Minimalist and frugal are not the same

The minimalist lifestyle has taken a nose dive into depression. It’s not because of what it represents, it’s because of the influencers that spread the message. They would have you believe that being a minimalist means being cheap. That is far from the truth. Minimalist blends clean-cut aesthetics with maximum utility. In other words quality over quantity. 

Buy forcing people to go the frugal route, when they just want to clear their mind and physical space. That can cause an internal conflict. Frugal people are consumed with the next deal and the cheapest price. Buying the same pair of boots over and over or constantly repairing them. Instead of buying one pair of expensive boots that will last ten to fifteen years. Personally speaking, I would rather have one Yaxell Ypsilon chef’s knife than 20 cheap ones. It not only increases my productivity but my sprites get lifted in an impactful way. Not only that but it cuts like a hot knife through butter; no pun intended. A living room with only a few quality pieces will look classy while a living rooms with cheap furniture will look tacky or will show that you are giving up on life. That might sound cruel but we as humans are judgmental creatures. 

If you’re considering the minimalist lifestyle this is a list to think about 

Do you like space and can’t stand clutter 

Do you want to know where everything is and have it easily accessible

Once you find something you like do you want it to last many years

Do you prefer both style and substance

Do you enjoy simplistic elegance meets optimization 

Let’s get it straight right now. Minimalism is an art form and a specific type of life. It has a smooth clean look, design, and way of thinking. It’s not bright colors, glitter, or bedazzled. Neither is it grim or edgy. A homeless man sleeping in a cardboard box is not a minimalist. He’s someone we call in New York terminology, a bum. Minimalist is as unique as modernism, urban, and Victoria. It’s fine if you can get people to de-clutter but that doesn’t make you a minimalist. That makes you a “declutterlist”. If you’re still lost on what a minimalist is, a quick image search shall clarify things.