Reading Harry Potter as an adult.

I’m going to start by saying Harry Potter is a fun adventure, and you will feel like a witch or wizard while reading. It is not the best written book, but the story will draw you in even if the main characters don’t. The world is immensely engaging, and you will feel like you’re part of it. As an American, I had to look up certain words and Phrases because this series was made for a British audience, especially the food. I’m getting hungry thinking about it. I was apprehensive about letting my peers know that I was reading Harry Potter. It was something like a guilty pleasure. Now that I read it, I don’t mind letting people know, but I will change the date by a couple of years.

What got me wanting to read Harry Potter wasn’t Hogwarts Legacy that was coming out soon, no. It was Obama’s A Promised Land. He read Harry Potter to his daughter every night for a bedtime story. So with myself a lesser man I followed the great Obama’s lead. Only to be met with an “NOOOOO, not Hairy Potter”. A three-year-old rather be read Danial Tiger for a bedtime story. Since I started the series I might as well finish it. As me being a slow reader, with a full-time job plus overtime, a husband, a father, and a social life. It took me three months to read the entire series.

I would love to have in-depth conversations about Harry Potter but that is not happening. That’s where this short spiel comes into play. If any one wants to trade critiques or hear my opinion on who the real main character is feel free to start the conversation. Oh yeah, on a side note. I didn’t watch the Movies. I should, but probably not going to happen.

New idea (poem)

My head is spinning with my thoughts

All the lessons I have been taught

Blends to make something new

Nothing is new under the sun

So I stay in a dark place

Come out with innovation

But it fits the collective consciousness

Nothing new is learned just remember

And I remember something forgotten each day

Jumping Jacks (poem)

This exercise is so simple, yet very complex

Start with your feet together, and arms at your sides

Jump in the air, while your feet spread apart

Arm rotates outward until your hands clap, over your head


Your feet hit the floor, then you’re off in the air again

Close your leg and revolve your arm back to your sides with a clap


That was one count, now get to two, three, four

Timing, rhythm, and breathing are paramount

Thumps and claps are in unisons

The Cleanest People Don’t Mind Getting Dirty.

There is a saying that became very popular over the past year all over social media sites. The Saying is “In order to be a peaceful man, you have to be capable of violence”. Don’t quote me on that because there are all types of variances to that statement. I contribute that quote to Jordan Peterson, I remember him saying something to that effect five years ago but it reemerge recently on my timeline. That saying was taken from Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. More specifically the word meek sparked this whole debate. The general population (GP are you with me) thinks meek means weak but the few proud intellectuals have a different translation. The meek are those who are capable fighters but are peaceful and practice restraint. The other part of that saying goes a such, weak people can’t be truly peaceful because they have no choice but to be peaceful. Give a weak man authority and he becomes a tyrant. That got me contemplating, whether is this a one-off statement or a philosophy on how to navigate life. Spoiler alert, it’s the latter.

This quote isn’t about peace and violence. It’s about opposites and why it’s essential to your values as a human being. We all know someone that is clean-cut and well-put-together, but when you see their house or car it’s a different story. They will not clean the muck in tough to reach areas because it’s too dirty, now you see the contradiction. A truly clean person knows they have to get on their hands and knees and attack the muck head on. Whatever type of person you say you are you have to decide what will you do to protect that. If you work out you need some lazy days to rest, even missing out on parties to sleep early. This type of understanding will only improve your mental well-being and help you navigate to who you aspire to be.

There are cases when people succeed despite mastering their opposite. Like the obese chef, who loves food and is afraid of hunger. The professorial athlete who always gets injured because they don’t want to rest in the off-season. The Doctor who cares for their patient too much then dies young from stress because they don’t want to be a little selfish. Also, the cool kid that becomes depressed as an adult because they don’t want to show their goofy side. The point of all this is that you have to learn your light and dark, yin and yang, and get a little dirty.

Dead leaf (poem)

As I sit my color change,

It’s ok because change is good.

A bight exuberant coat,

Looking flashy as it should.

My stem begins to whiter,

Fallin slowly from the sky.

Gratefully swaying with the wind,

I feel so much joy but the reality 

make me cry

Laying on the ground,

My color quickly fades.

I begin to dry up,

And I could not be saved.

Crumble it to dust,

On no not I. 

How I forget, 

I am not a leaf but a tree.

I change with the seasons,

Among many other reasons.

Tried and true,

I may not look or feel the same.

I am more than some of my parts,

Whether flamboyant or plan.

Where one leaf may die,

Another will rise again.

Tech ghost (poem)

Old and dying

Rather speak in person

Then comment online

Phones are in pockets

Not glued to faces

Withering away

Digital thump prints are slim

Social media deactivated

No need for mindless scrolling

There is so much to make

Books to be read

Transparent state

Alive or a wandering ghost

No likes, shares, or replies

Only meet up and greets

Phones are just for calls

Emails and search information

A shallow state for the digital age

The Life of a Warrior (poem)

Restraint, calm

Training is the toughest part of the day

Not because it is in itself different

But because we push beyond our limits

To be ready for want ever it is to come

Restful, tranquil

Stress is dulled because we plan

Conflict is settled before it starts

We make ourselves a hard target

Not to cause harm but to bring peace

The more we prepare the less we worry

So when it’s time for action we are ready

Someone New (poem)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 

It changes with the new shiny thing I see

Every day I spend with you 

You glow ever more brightly 

Your younger self is old to me

Anticipating what tomorrow will bring

Distant treasures are to be saved

Present gold is to be enjoyed 

Future diamonds are the be marveled 

Your voice brings me close 

Your touch brings me joy 

Your action brings me satisfaction 

Your presence brings me love

As each day pass 

I get something new

As each day pass

I’m presented a better you

No Judgments (poem)

Depression is real

Or did I make it up

Do I have a cut

Or did I use a knife and slit myself

My mind is slipping, some blood is dropping 

My actions cause harm 

My inaction cause harm 

Social activities are dreadful 

Solitude is deadly 

They say I’m strong 

Because I do not speak of torment 

Do others feel the same

Or am I the only one with self-inflicted pain

I wish I was strong enough to give up……