The Key to Spiritual Awakening is Mastery.

If you are convinced by the title and understand what I mean, you can go home now. You are done, but if you insist on further explanation or just like to examine people’s thoughts, let’s continue this exploration. Being spiritually awoken or being enlightened has nothing to do with your base personality. We all are born into this world with different personalities, but we conformed depending on social rules. Mahatma Gandhi was said to be a bit of a diva, Buddha had bad eating habits and YouTube “Exposed” spiritual masters (quotations are intentional). Being a higher-level self is about understanding the connection of all things and transcending any activity you put your will into. Your everyday life is determined by your natural self and a spiritual awakening will bring you closer to your true being.

Achieving mastery is the journey to a spiritual awakening. High school is one time in life when most people witness students on their journey to mastery. The track star, captain of the cheer team, or valedictorian all have an aura that transcends understanding. Whether it drew people to them or made others hesitate to get close, others wanted to siphon that energy or learn how to obtain it themselves. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t wrap your brain around it, so you give up. Not knowing all you had to do was dedicate your every being to one skill or study. The reason I mention high school is because most students had the time, energy, community, and fewer responsibilities. When studying gurus or yogis you will observe the time and dedication they pour into their craft. The difference between top-performing high school students, gurus, CEOs, and high-level professionals is minimal. The main similarity that ties them all together is focus.

We have a new challenger and its focus. Have you ever had a conversation with someone you consider a high performer or someone who only focuses on you? It can be intimidating or awkward. It’s like the person is staring into your soul. They are not just hearing your words but they are understanding your every intention. If they wanted to they can understand your insecurities and deepest thoughts. That my friend is a spiritual awakening in a nutshell but instead of looking into someone else soul you look into your own. The only way to achieve that is through high-level focus. The only way to obtain high-level focus is through mastery. Just as any professional can lose focus, any enlightened person can lose touch with their spiritual perception of the world. But once you reach any form of mastery, you can reconnect your spiritual awakening. So, dedicate yourself to something, and you will reach a spiritual awakening.

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